Blog - Page 3 of 6 - D.A. Galloway

Hayden Expedition – Steamboat Point

August 20, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 20, 1871) Albert Peale and two other men from the Hayden team investigated the springs at Steamboat Point. Peale recorded in his diary that two of the steam jets were “emitting with great force and making a good bit of constant noise.” (In Burning Ground, Graham and Makawee […]

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Hayden Expedition – Avalanche Peak

August 19, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 19, 1871) The Hayden Expedition is mapping and exploring the area from their base at Camp Hovey on the eastern shore of Yellowstone Lake. (In Burning Ground, a smaller group treks to the summit of Avalanche Peak, a few miles west of Sylvan Pass at today’s East Entrance).

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Burning Ground available in audio!

August 18, 2021

I’m excited to announce the audio version of Burning Ground is available! The talented Michael Bauer did a wonderful job in bringing all the characters in my novel to life! Check it out on Amazon or Audible! Amazon_Burning Ground Audible_Burning Ground As part of my promotion, I’m giving away a FREE download of the 17-hour […]

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Hayden Expedition – A secret unveiled

August 16, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 16, 1871)   Camp Hovey (named after the expedition’s surly wagon master) is established by the lake. Graham explains he is from 100 years in the future to a skeptical Makawee. They take shelter from a storm in an abandoned bear den.

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Hayden Expedition – High Waves at Signal Point

August 15, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 15, 1871)   Soundings are taken on the eastern side of Yellowstone Lake near Signal Point. On a windy day that generates three-foot swells, the interim survey manager orders Graham and Alec Sibley to take the Annie onto the lake. It is a decision he will later regret…

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Hayden Expedition – Two Ocean Pass

August 13, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 13, 1871) Doane leads Ferdinand Hayden and a small group on a multi-day excursion to locate the fabled “Two Ocean Pass”, originally reported by Jim Bridger. The waters from a creek on this plateau split: part of the flow eventually enters the Gulf of Mexico and part of […]

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Charging Grizzly

August 12, 2021

In this scene from Burning Ground, a Crow warrior is attacked by a sow grizzly as he field dresses a slain bison. The clip is an excerpt of the audiobook, which will soon be released!

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Hayden Expedition – Sheep Eaters

August 11, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 11, 1871) A small band of Mountain Shoshone (aka Sheep Eaters) approaches the Hayden group and seeks to trade with them. These people are skilled at making bows from the horns of bighorn sheep, which is a staple of their diet.

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Hayden Expedition – Bridger Creek

August 9, 2021

On this day 150 Years ago! (August 9, 1871) Lt. Doane takes over leadership of the military escort from Capt. George Tyler, who took half of the assigned soldiers of Company F with him to fight hostile Sioux in Montana. Doane loses his bearings while leading the Hayden group to Bridger Creek (the Upper Yellowstone […]

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Marias Massacre – January 20, 1870

August 8, 2021

In a tragic case of mistaken identity, four companies led by Major Eugene Baker attack and slaughter over 170 innocent Piegan Blackfeet camped on the Marias River. Lieutenant Gustavus Doane is complicit, willingly and brutally ordering the murder of women and children.   Baker, Doane, and the other officers he commanded that day were never […]

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