150 years ago today, the Hayden Expedition entered the future park near Mammoth Hot Springs. Over the next 38 days, I will be following the survey team around the park and periodically sharing excerpts from “Burning Ground”. Key events will also be highlighted through the eyes of the protagonist, Graham Davidson.
Cutthroat Trout Under Attack
Yellowstone National Park’s iconic cutthroat trout have been under attack from nonnative lake trout. “Osprey and eagle populations have nosedived around Yellowstone Lake where lake trout outcompete them for food. By 2010, the lake had maybe one osprey nest, down from 40 to 60 nesting pairs a decade earlier, said Todd Koel, leader of the […]
Yellowstone Panorama
150 years ago, the Hayden expedition explored this wondrous area of the Wyoming Territory! Join Graham Davidson as he travels back in time and joins the expedition, facing the perils of an uncharted wilderness while falling in love with a Crow woman.
Former Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Dies at Zoo
Bows from Horns of Mountain Sheep
Did you know that the Mountain Shoshone (also known as Sheepeaters) lived and hunted in the Yellowstone region before the park was created in 1872? They hunted bighorn sheep in the mountains, along with deer, elk and smaller mammals. Mountain Shoshone also manufactured bows from the horns of mountain sheep. The Hayden Expedition […]
Hayden Expedition – 150th Anniversary!
This is the 150th anniversary of the Hayden expedition, a seminal event that led to the establishment of Yellowstone as our first national park. #burninggroundnovel places my protagonist in Hayden’s team as they traverse around Yellowstone Lake in 1871. Some of the pictures you see in this article are included in Burning Ground, since they […]
Burning Ground – Release Day!
I’m excited about the release of Burning Ground!